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Who is eligible to join Coto Mother's Club?
Any mother residing within the Coto De Caza gates.
What are CMC member demographics?
We have a diverse membership including all of the following:
  • Moms with new babies and Moms with kids in high school... and everywhere in-between
  • Moms that work in their home and Moms that work out of the home - both full-time and part-time
  • Moms with 1-6 children, and Moms with twins
  • Moms with adopted kids
  • Moms that are "younger" and Moms that are "older"
  • Moms raising special needs children
  • Moms with kids new to Coto, and Moms with kids that have lived here for years
Are there annual dues for the club?

Yes, there are dues for your membership.  Member dues vary depending on when you join & how old your children are. 

The CMC year starts September 1 and runs through August 31 each year.  After March 1, dues are prorated for new members who join.  Everyone pays renewal dues on September 1 each year, regardless of when they join CMC.  When you join our club on-line, the correct dues will be calculated for you.

Active Members include moms who wish to participate in events with their children. The Alumnae membership is for moms whose youngest child is age 10 year or older and only wish to participate in adult events. 


$50 for "Active Memberships" per year

$40 for "Alumnae Memberships" per year

How are dues spent?
Dues cover administrative overhead and costs for selected member events or activities.  Approximately 50% of dues are spent on Administrative costs including website maintenance and hosting, postage, printing, and supplies. The remaining 50% of dues are spent on member activities/events/parties to cover costs associated with room rentals, entertainment, decor and/or food and beverages. 
Do my dues cover all activities or events?
No.  Dues help with basic supplies, set-up and/or food at some club activities, such as holiday parties and some play-dates.  For other activities, such as Field Trips, or Special Events, it is the responsibility of each member to pay their own way.  Any event requiring admission fees or additional cost is always clearly communicated in advance. All events, whether an additional cost is associated, or not, are always optional attendance.  From time to time, members will be asked to bring food or drinks "potluck" style at their own expense to an event they are attending. 
Is there a way for me to check out the CMC before I join?
Absolutely!  Contact the VP of Membership for upcoming events that might be right for you to join and get a feel for the club. 
What types of events and/or activities do you offer?
We offer a variety of activities for members and their children.  Those activities include Park Days, Play Groups, Field Trips, Holiday Parties, Speakers, Moms Time Out, and Special Events.    Please check under the "Club Activities" section for a detailed description of the events we host.
Am I required to attend meetings or events as a member?
No.  Our club does not host regular meetings, however the Board meets as necessary and we occasionally host special speakers in a social or meeting format.  All events and/or meetings are always optional to attend. 
Are service hours required of members?
"Alumnae" members have no service hour requirement.  All "Active" members are required to help in some capacity at least 2 hours per fiscal year (September 1). 

Anyone serving on the Board, Coordinator or Committee automatically fulfills their service hour obligation. 

All other members can fulfill their 2 hours by helping plan, set-up or staff an event or activity.  For example, hosting a playgroup twice per year will fulfill the service obligation. 
I'm new to the area and don't know anyone. How can I meet other Mother's, Kids or families quickly?
The best "sure fire" way to jump right in and get to know other members and their families is to volunteer to help in some capacity.  When you join, ask the Membership VP how you can assist a Coordinator, or participate on a committee. 

The time commitment is what you make it - nothing is required, but volunteering keeps our club running, and it will allow you to meet other club members faster.  Plus, you'll have fun in the process. 

Other ways to meet new people are to make an effort to come to as many activities as possible.  You'll start to recognize familiar faces, which makes it easier to form relationships. 

In addition to meeting other mothers and their kids, the "Dad's" can meet through "Gourmet Night" (a long-time club favorite), the Annual Couples Party and various Dad's Activities/Outings.  No one will force you to come and and meet people, and no one will knock on your door either. 

So, if you join CMC, make the commitment to either volunteer, or attend events and you'll be glad you did!

We hope to see you at a Coto Mother's Club activity soon!